You will find that Bulgarian is relatively easy to speak. The Bulgarian language , may have some sounds that are difficult to pronounce, but with a little bit of practice, you should be able to master the language. Many of the intonation patterns that you will find are very similar to English, so getting the grasp of the language happens quickly in many cases.

The Vowels

When you write Bulgarian, you will have 35 consonant phonemes, one semi-vowel, and six vowels: А, Ъ, О, У, Е, И, or A, Y, O, U, E, I. understanding Bulgarian pronunciation makes it much easier to learn to speak and understand the language and all of the nuances that it contains.

The vowel A is pronounced the same as the “a” in adorable. The vowel Ъ is pronounced like the “u” in turn. E is pronounced like the “e” in best, while ,И is pronounced like the “i” in igloo. The O vowel is pronounced like the “o” in order. Finally, the У vowel is pronounced like the “u” sound in the world tool. Understanding pronunciation is vital if you want Bulgarian speakers to know what you are saying, and learning how to pronounce vowels correctly is very important. Of course, you also have to know the understand Bulgarian pronunciation of consonants.

Dealing with Other Areas of Pronunciation

When you see щ in Bulgarian, it is similar to the sound of “sht” in the word shtick. Thus, the word is щастие, which means happiness, is pronounced Shtastie. Й sounds very similar to “y” in the word yes. When -Ъ and -O are together, they are pronounced like the word “yo”. Pronouncing И, (or i), involves the speaker raising the back of his or her tongue and lowering the middle part to make the sound. At first, it is difficult, and they pronounce it incorrectly. Even some people who are natives of Bulgaria have issues pronouncing it! Practice makes perfect though, and once you can do that, you will find that you can say most of the other words and sounds in the language without too much trouble.

Learning the rules of grammar can help you learn when to use certain words as well as certain inflections in the Bulgarian pronunciation of various words. Some of the grammar and pronunciation can seem very tricky in the beginning, but it doesn’t take too long to start to make sense of the language.